Because We Are Strong
Because We Are Strong
INTERVIEW: Christine Rich & Chronic
Christine Rich is an award-winning marketing executive, retired spin instructor, speaker, mentor, mama, advocate, and author.
She is passionate about raising awareness about the intersection of chronic illness and mental health and advocating for better support for patients and physicians.
She serves on the board of directors of the Northeast Ohio Crohn's & Colitis Foundation, is a support group facilitator and also volunteers on the national Crohn's & Colitis Foundation's Patient Advisory Task Force.
Imagine the collective power if every person with a chronic illness spoke candidly about how mental and emotional health affects their physical symptoms.
I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease at a young age and spent many years trying to hide from and deny the fear, anger, and sadness I felt because of my illness. I recently published a book called "Chronic" about how a serious health scare in my late twenties caused me to reevaluate and change her focus to wellness and self-love rather than illness and fear.
Through raw and personal stories and insights, I share my journey of living with and befriending my less-than-glamorous, often times invisible, chronic illness called Crohn's disease.
These insights include:
How women insist they’re “fine” even when they aren’t.
Why physicians should consistently discuss mental health with their patients.
What the power of radical acceptance and self-love can provide.
Chronic encourages readers to shift their perspective of chronic illness from one of shame or fear to one of acceptance and love. Throughout her book, I give readers reasons to feel empowered and to know they are not alone.
Connect with Christine:
Instagram: @christinerich_author
Website: www.christinemrich.com
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Chronic-Christine-M-Rich/dp/1636764827/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=chronic+christine+rich&qid=1633886322&sr=8-1
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